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Internal Cooperation

Published 2022-07-15

"Internal Cooperation". See transcription below

For Aurora.


"Can't you see that the transformation has already taken place?"

The top of Amber's head is a fjord through which flows a dark sea, large enough that clouds can be seen passing between its peaks.

"This youth has achieved an internal cooperation that cannot be subverted"

Closer now, we can make out distinct geological features, including a rocky waterfall pouring into a large river, as well as a few trees on the shore. Just barely, there's something visible in the middle of the lake.

"They have been formed by crisis. They survived a lethal environment"

Autumn sits curled up in fetal position in the middle of the lake, their long, dark hair flowing out behind them, barely visible against the backdrop of the dark sea. They reach out, and someone grabs their hand.

"They are here"